Monday, February 25, 2013

Tango Flash Mob in Cape Town

This weekend myself and an elite unit of local Cape Town tangueros descended upon the Lifestyle shopping centre set in a trendy part of the city, for an Argentine Tango flash mob to celebrate my birthday. 
Despite a few hassles from secturiy, caused by a certain Tango neophyte "someone" (a.k.a Mister Let's-go-and-tell-security-about-the-mob-two-miniutes-before-we-start-and-have-Wikus-deal-with-the-fallout) we sprung the surprise on dozens of shoppers and passers by - much to the annoyance of the guards who dutifully but gently shooed us from the mall entrance to the amply-sized sidewalk.
Alas even without the beneft of good acoustics, with our punchy Bose sound system we had no shortage of volume to make our presence known.
Our playlist of the day consisted of "Amor te sigo queriendo", "Mariposita" and "Borges y Paraguay". A forth track -"A Media Luz" - was cut from the planned line-up to help ease a few bubbling frustration levels. 
The only misfortune was that the person who volunteered to film our exploits had to withdraw from attendance shorly before the event, so unless something by one of the camera-wielding onlookers pops up on youtube in due course, I sadly don't have any footage to share with you.
Here are a few snapshots from the mob: 



